27 May 2009

Chat dengan Anne Soldaat

Udah lama saya ga chatting ma orang yang beda negara, semenjak saya ma tmn saya isengin bule di IRC. Hari ini saya chatting lagi sama orang Belanda (via Facebook), Anne Soldaat, penyanyi berumur 44 tahun dan sudah menghasilkan 2 album solo, Do-The-Undo dan In Another Life.


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Saya suka lagu-lagunya. Lagunya terasa beda dengan lagu lain, kalo saya dengerin lagunya, serasa saya lagi ada di dunia fantasi.

Berikut cuplikan chat saya dan Anne Soldaat (bahasa Inggris saya blepotan) :

saya (s) : hi

Anne (a) : hi there

s : i/m currently listening your music

a : that's just surreal, thanks!

s : i like your music, it feel different from another
     sorry if my english not good

a : no problem, it special to know that someone in Asia (right?) is enjoying my stuff!

s : hehe
     hey, may i ask something?

a : you just did :-):-)

s : who is the girl in your song, pillow talk?

a : that's Jason Falkner's girlfriend. It;s her cd debut.. Jason is the guy who I worked with in LA on this album

s : oh
     me and my friend wonder who she is
     i tought she is your girlfriend

a :  no she's not

s : have you been visit indonesia?

a :  no never, but a friend of mine just came back from Bali. which island do you live on?

s : i live on Jawa

a : ok, nice

s : do you have plan to visit indonesia? for concert maybe

a : that would be great, but i dont see it happen in the near future.. too bad!

s : hmm.. maybe i should go to netherland, so i can hear your music live
     but i dont see it happen in the near future too, cause i don't have money for the transportation.

a : well, thank god we have internet

s : may i ask you some personal question?

a : ok

s : how old are you?

a : 44 and you?

s : 18 ^^

a : no, but in a relationship and we have a daughter

s : in another life, is it your first album?

a : nope, I used to be in a band called Daryll-Ann, listen to it I'm sure you willl ike it

s : oh

i mean your first solo album

a : no my second, my first was under the name Do-The-Undo

s : oh, haha, sorry
     thx for the information
     sorry, if i am too much asking
     good luck for your music
     i will introduce your music to my friend

a : no problem, I have to do an email interview with a dutch newspaper now. It's been great talking to you, take care and yes, spread the music all over Indonesia! Anne


Sekian, chat saya dengan Anne Soldaat. Saya dapat tugas untuk menyebarkan lagunya di Indonesia. Haha.

1 comment:

cumicungkring said...

butuh keberanian buat chat ma org luar, apalagi artis. hebat lu bun